Job No:
Enquiry No:

Customer/Company Address:

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The following Specification is for a Watchdog Fire & Security Intruder Alarm & Hold up system to be installed to conform to for a system With Full Level 1 Police response

For the purposes of this Specification, front, rear, left and right are defined as standing at the front of, and facing the premises.


The Intruder Alarm System incorporates Sequential Alarm Confirmation Technology and complies with the requirements of .

The alarm is installed to PD6662:2017 standard which is the UK implementation of EN 50131 and environmental class 2 & 4.

Ground Floor has effective sequential confirmation facilities.

An alarm condition is sequentially confirmed when at least two separate alarm conditions from independent detectors are reported within a time period of 60 min. Two detectors of different technologies having overlapping areas of coverage OR two movement detectors, at least one of which should be a dual technology detector having overlapping areas of coverage OR two detectors of the same single technology not having overlapping areas of coverage, can generate a confirmed activation.
NOTE: Two independent dual technology movement detectors incorporating the same technologies can be regarded as detectors of different technologies, and may have overlapping areas of coverage.

Where a number of detectors or sensors are connected to one circuit e.g. Breakglass, Vibration, Magnetic Reed Door Contact, activation of more than one detector in any one circuit will not give rise to a confirmed alarm message.

Reinstating (re arming)

After the System has been set, if one detector (not on the entry route) activates, an unconfirmed alarm occurs and the confirmation time starts. If a second independent detector does not activate before the confirmation time expires the system will be reinstated. However if the original detector activated remains triggered at the time of reinstatement, that detector will be isolated, the ARC signalled, and were possible the customer or their representative advised accordingly. If subsequently one detector activates, an unconfirmed alarm occurs and the confirmation time starts again.


After an alarm condition has occurred the System should be reset :

i) By the user if the alarm signal has not been designated as confirmed (i.e. "customer reset")


ii) By means not normally available to the user if the alarm signal has been designated as confirmed (i.e. "engineer reset") except for the following configurations:

  • Unlocking the initial entry door unsets the System
  • Unlocking the initial entry door disables all means of confirmation
  • Unsettling in conjunction with the ARC
  • Restoring a System installed to BSEN50131

The system will be installed to a Grade 2 standard

Circuit No. -
(Grade 2) (Env class 2) (EN50131-1 Grade 2)

A Surface magnetic reed Contact quantity of one is installed to the Front Door

  • The Alarm System to be installed is a Multi-Circuit microprocessor based Control Unit near electrics.
  • A keypad is to be installed in the with an in built Prox
  • A Self Actuating Electronic Sounder, Strobe Light assembly housed within a protective cover to be fitted to the front elevation.

Transmission Fault Signals

There are two Circumstances in IAS’s Installed in accordance with Where There might be high confidence that there is genuine intrusion or genuine attempted intrusion.

  • If an ARC receives a transmission fault signal followed by an alarm signal, or vice versa, from the same supervised premises during a single set period of up to a maximum of 96 hours
  • If two transmission fault signal exist at the same time from the same supervised premised, one from each of the two transmission paths of different technologies (e.g. cable & radio) during a single set period of up to a maximum of 96 hours

Connection to two transmission paths is option and by agreement with the customer, where single path signalling is proposed, the following warning should be reproduced in the system design proposal and as fitted document in bold type following the description of the signalling method


Your attention is drawn to the fact that failer or compromise of single path signalling cannot be passed to the police, while the faultier persists, subsequent alarms can not be signalled to the alarm receiving centre and passed to the police

The connection to two transmission paths does not equate to, or constitute, equipment the alarm system with alarm confirmation technology

Where transmission faults are to be notified, the alarm company should inform the customer at the time of arranging the alarm monitoring agreement between the Alarm Company and customer, of the action that will be taken by the ARC upon receipt of a transmission fault signal transmission fault singles.

An example of ARC alarm handling producer for alarm singles associated with transmission faults singles is given in Annex B

An example of ARC producers for handling two transmission fault singles is given in Annex C

The Red Care communicator, to alert the police via our alarm receiving centre, incorporating a line analyser, which in the event of a line fault, the system will automatically switch to instant siren operation, with visual indication of line failure. This will be located within the alarm control panel.

Note: Your theft insurance cover may be invalid unless your security system is covered by a current maintenance service agreement complying with the rules of NSI NACOSS GOLD. Please check with your insurance company that the above security system meets the requirements.

Important information: Attention is drawn to the fact that failure or compromised of signal path signalling cannot be passed to the police. While the failure persists, Subsequent alarms cannot be signalled to the Alarm Receiving Centre and passed to the police.

Redcare Signalling Type: